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PhD defense of Bahaaeldin Elsayed
February 10th, 2025: Bahaaeldin Elsayed successfully defends his dissertation!
Under the watchful eyes and ears of Athena and the examination board, Mr. Elsayed gave his presentation and was intensively tested in his knowledge.
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Tuesday, 28 January 2025, 13:15, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Zehua He: Continuous control set model predictive control for field oriented control of synchronous electric motors
6 new publications at CCPS laboratory
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Wednesday, 15 January 2025, 14:00, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Julius Konstantin Thorwarth, Aida Fee Victoria Wirth, and Yichuan Sun
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Monday, 02 Dezember 2024, 14:00, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Yang Yin, Leon Lukas Roß, Andreas Knödler
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Wednesday, 04 Dezember 2024, 14:00, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Mustafa Kamal: Closed-Loop Learning for individualized and Adaptive Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Tuesday, 10 Dezember 2024, 15:00, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Shengya Guo: Optimal Input Excitation for Parameter Estimation in Electromechanical Brake Actuators
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Wednesday, 11 December 2024, 13:45, Room S3|10 406A
Dario Suci and Ngoc Lam Nguyen
New publicationn Chemical Engineering Science: “Multi-objective optimization based nonlinear model predictive control of seeded cooling crystallization process with application to β form L-glutamic acid”
Feiran Sun, Tao Liu, Bo Song, Yan Cui, Zoltan K. Nagy, Rolf Findeisen
New publication: “Deep learning-based image analysis with RTFormer network for measuring 2D crystal size distribution during cooling crystallization of β form L-glutamic acid”
Hui Wang, Ji Fan, Tao Liu, Luyao Yan, Hongbin Zhang, Grace Li Zhang, Rolf Findeisen
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Monday, 25 November 2024, 15:00, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Leon Schimunek: Suitability Evaluation of Electroencephalography Signals for Machine-Learing-based Activity Detection during Walking
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Wednesday, 20 November 2024, 15:00, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Yubao Ma: Exploring Music Perception and Imagination through Deep Learning
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CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses
Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 15:00, Room S3|10 406A and via Zoom
Jonas Chaselon: Imitative Model Predictive Control for Safe Navigation
Introductory event for ETiT and MEC students: specialization AUT (Automatic Systems)
Thursday, 28.11.2024, 13:30, Hans Busch Institute, S3|06-051
New publication in IFAC-PapersOnLine: “Stability-informed Bayesian Optimization for MPC Cost Function Learning”
Sebastian Hirt, Maik Pfefferkorn, Ali Mesbah, Rolf Findeisen