Laboratory Control Systems I / Control of Mechatronic Systems

Please note

Current information will only be distributed via the news forum in Moodle!

Please register for the event in Moodle. If this is not possible, please contact E. Lenz to register.

Hiwis wanted

We are looking for student assistants to guide and support the individual groups in carrying out their experiments. All students who have already taken part in the laboratory in recent years or are currently attending the System Dynamics and Control Systems I lecture or have the relevant control engineering knowledge are eligible.

We offer a crash course for those students who would like to complete the laboratory both as a student assistant and as a participant. In the first few weeks of the summer semester, you will then have the opportunity to carry out all the experiments yourself. During the rest of the summer semester, you will then take over the supervision of other participants. You are always responsible for the same experiment. At the end of the semester, you can take part in the final exam, just like the other participants.

If you are interested in one of the Hiwi-positions, please contact Eric Lenz . You can work on one or more days of the week. You will be paid € 15.15 per hour.


Please note the following regarding registration:

For organizational reasons, the decisive registration for the laboratory Control Systems I / Control of Mechatronic Systems and thus the participation on a certain weekday at the beginning of the semester takes place via Moodle! There you will also find more detailed information on the procedure.

Registration in TUCaN is therefore not sufficient and cannot guarantee a specific day of the week for participation!

Nevertheless, we would ask you to register for your preferred date in TUCaN as early as possible so that we can plan accordingly.

General information

Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen
Assistant Dr.-Ing. Eric Lenz
Location and time The practical experiments are carried out daily from 14:00 – 17:00 in our rooms in S3|10 for a large part of the summer semester.
The practical course is carried out in small groups of two to three participants. For each group, the experiments take place on a fixed day of the week.
General information about the exam The written exam for the laboratory “Control Systems l / Control of Mechatronic Systems” takes place at the beginning of the lecture-free period.
The exam lasts 90 minutes.
A prerequisite for participation is that all experiments have been tested.
The exam relates to the current laboratory. Students who have completed the laboratory in previous semesters are advised to contact the laboratory supervisor to find out about any changes.
Aids: non-programmable calculator, drawing instruments.

Content of the laboratory

The practical course gives participants the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in the System Dynamics and Control Systems I lecture in the areas of modeling, control and controller design to a wide variety of experimental setups.

Examination summer semester 2024

Exam written
Date 30.07.2024
Time 08:00 – 09:30
Room S1|01-A1
Permitted resources
  • non-programmable pocket calculator
  • Drawing instrument (ruler, set square)
(no formulary is permitted)