Project Course Practical Application of Mechatronics


Winter semester 2024/25

The schedule of the project course Practical Applications of Mechatronics in the winter semester 2024/25 is being planned. Please register promptly in TUCaN for the course 18-fi-2110-pj to receive all relevant information about the course and to facilitate our planning.

Mark your calendars for the following topics:

  • Registration and deregistration deadline (module, event, exam): Tue, 05.11.24
  • Mid-February 2025: Final presentations
  • End of February 2025: Submission of the written papers

The exact date will be announced during the course in consultation with the supervisors.

Since experience has shown that students are also interested in the project seminar Automatic Control Systems in addition to the project seminar Practical Applications of Mechatronics, the group assignment and topic allocation will be done in close coordination with the ris in case of a shortage of topics.


The topics presented so far for the upcoming winter semester can be found here . Further topics may follow. Please feel free to check back if there is nothing suitable for you at the moment.

General Information

Examinor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen
Organizsation Dr. Martin Grimmer
Rotation Every semester; course catalog: winter semester
CP 8
Exam performance Written report and presentation
Work effort ~240 hours, 30h/CP
TUCaN 18-fi-2110-pj
Registration Registration for the exam in TuCAN is mandatory for entering grades.

Content of the Project Course

The aim of the project seminar is to apply the theoretical principles learned in the lectures “System Dynamics and Control Systems I”, “System Dynamics and Control Systems II” and advanced courses of the field in practical scenarios. This includes the creation of a system specification, the selection of suitable mechatronic solution concepts and their implementation. In addition, professional skills are to be developed and sharpened with aspects such as teamwork, presentation techniques and the systematic research of information.

The assignment will be worked on together in small groups of 2-4 students. Projects may include the following topics:

  • Modeling, analysis and design of mechatronic systems.
  • Design of control systems and state estimators
  • System analysis, monitoring and fault diagnosis
  • Model building and identification
  • Integration of machine learning methods in the aforementioned areas

Exemplary applications are in the areas of intelligent autonomous systems, robotics and mobile robotics, drones and flight systems, communication systems, energy systems, medical technology, prosthetics, autonomous driving and production engineering, to name just a few areas.

A variety of the above systems are available at the department to work on in project seminars.

At the end of the project seminar, the group gives a 20-25 minute presentation. Furthermore, a written elaboration has to be handed over to the supervisor.