New Lecture at the IAT – Control of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems

Start of Lecture:Week 44/2021- the exact date and zoom link will be announced via Moodle


Dr.-Ing. Andreas Himmel, Prof. Rolf Findeisen

Goal and Content of the Lecture

The students are familiar with the basic analysis and control methods for networked control systems, and interconnected systems, and their applications. They are able to model and analyse interconnected systems, and networked control systems subject to delays, communication loss. Furthermore, they are able to design basic centralized, decentralized, distributed, hierarchical controllers and estimators, as well as controllers to achieve consensus and synchronization control. They are familiar with the concept of time-scale seperation for control and estimation.


Cyber-physical systems? Aspects and fundamentals of interconnected, and cyber-physical systems, basic control concepts (stabilizability, controllability, observability, detectability, reachability, resilience, control & estimation of multivariable systems…), systems and graphs, networked control systems (control & estimation over communication networks, control subject to delays/to information loss, security, safety, and privacy), control of interconnected/multi-agent systems (centralized, decentralized & distributed control, consensus, synchronization), hierarchical control (fundamentals, optimization, time scale separation, hierarchical control concepts, optimization based control & real-time optimization)

The lecture is held in English.

Further details: see TUCaN and the Moodle page of the course

Click here to go to the lecture page