Control of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems

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General Information about the Course

Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen
Assistants Hoang Hai Nguyen , Johannes Pohlodek , Alexander Rose
Semester SoSe (2+1), Start of lecture: Wed, 24 April 2024
Teaching language English
Prerequisit Basic concepts of control theory. Fundamentals of linear algebra, differential, and difference equations.
Form of Examination written or oral
The examination takes place in writing or orally, depending on the number of examination registrations. The form of the examination will be announced shortly after the end of the registration period.
Old Exams
Subsequent lectures
Recommended literature
  • J. Lunze, Networked Control of Multi-Agent Systems,, 2022 (second edition)
  • J. Lunze, Networked Control of Multi-Agent Systems – Application studies,, 2022
  • M. Mesbahi, M. Egerstedt, Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks, Princeton University Press.
  • M. Papageorgiou, M. Leibold, M. Buss, Optimierung – Statische, dynamische, stochastische Verfahren für die Anwendung, Springer Vieweg.

Content of the Lecture

Aim of this course

The students are familiar with the basic analysis and control methods for networked control systems, and interconnected systems, and their applications. They are able to model and analyse interconnected systems, and networked control systems subject to delays, communication loss. Furthermore, they are able to design basic centralized, decentralized, distributed, hierarchical controllers and estimators, as well as controllers to achieve consensus and synchronization control. They are familiar with the concept of time-scale seperation for control and estimation.


What are cyber-physical systems? Aspects and fundamentals of interconnected, and cyber-physical systems, basic control concepts (stabilizability, controllability, observability, detectability, reachability, resilience, control & estimation of multivariable systems…), systems and graphs, networked control systems (control & estimation over communication networks, control subject to delays/to information loss, security, safety, and privacy), control of interconnected/multi-agent systems (centralized, decentralized & distributed control, consensus, synchronization), hierarchical control (fundamentals, optimization, time scale separation, hierarchical control concepts, optimization based control & real-time optimization).


All materials of the lecture and exercises are provided via Moodle.
Exam summer term 2024
Form of exam written or oral
Date expected September 2024
Time tba
Room tba
Permitted resources pen
Access to written exam tba