Hendrik Alsmeier M.Sc.


Learning-supported model predictive control, Machine learning-based modeling and classification in medical applications


work +49 6151 16-25194
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Work S3|10 521
Landgraf-Georg-Str. 4
64283 Darmstadt

Thema Typ Status
Complexity Reduction for Neural Networks with Focus on Embedded Applications (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) (Co-Betreuer: Anton Savchenko, Dr.-Ing.) Bachelorarbeit In Bearbeitung
Optimization of Training Data Distribution for
Regression-based Machine Learning (Co-Betreuer: Felix Häusser)
Masterarbeit In Bearbeitung
Algorithmische LED-Status Klassifikation für ein Testsystem ProSeminar In Bearbeitung
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