Control Systems Seminar
Tuesday 20 July 2021, 13:30 h, location: Zoom Meeting
Guests via Zoom are very welcome. Please contact Corina Fischer,, regarding your dial-in details by Monday, 19 July 2021, 12:00 h.
The following seminar presentations will take place on the above mentioned date:
13:30 h: Julia Butz (Master's Thesist)
“Optimierung seriell-elastischer Antriebe in überaktuierten Beinprothesen”
Supervisor: Julian Zeiss, M.Sc.
14:00 h: Marvin Holler (Master's Thesis)
“Force control of series elastic Bowden cable actuators for orthotic and prosthetic applications”
Supervisor: Julian Zeiss, M.Sc.
14:30 h: Thomas Gassen (Master's Thesis)
“Inverse Optimal Control am Beispiel der Trajektorienplanung im automatisierten Fahren”
Supervisor: Alexander Steinke, M.Sc.
15:00 h: Puja Saki (Master's Thesis)
“Verkopplungsregelung mittels H_2- und H_unendlich-Entwurf”
Supervisor: Philipp Schaub, M.Sc.