Workshop “Mechatronics, Control, and Cyber-Physical Systems in the 21st Century”
Friday, 1 December 2023, 13:00 – 18:00, Hexagon, Lecture Hall S3|11-0012
On December 1, 2023, the following workshop will take place at the CCPS department of TU Darmstadt:
Mechatronics, Control and Cyber-Physical Systems in the 21st Century: From Autonomous Driving, Medical Engineering, Communication, and Artificial Intelligence
Venue: Hexagon, Building S3|11, Lecture Hall 0012
Friday, 1 December 2023
13:00-13:20: Welcome
13:20-14:00: Motion Analysis and Motion Assist – Body Sensor Networks and Exoskeletons, Steffen Leonhardt, RWTH AAchen
14:00-14:40: Adaptive Structures and Facades in Civil Engineering – a New Field for Intelligent Mechatronics, Oliver Sawodny, Universität Stuttgart
14:40-15:30: Coffee Break
15:30-16:10: Why Mercedes-Benz Chose to Build Their Own Operating System MB.OS, Michael Hafner, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart
16:10-16:50: Energy Efficiency and Cybernetics? – Data-driven, Stochastic and Distributed Control Challenges of Multi-Energy Systems, Timm Faulwasser, TU Dortmund
16:50-17:30: Machine Learning-based Lifetime Prediction and Charging Optimization of Lithium-ion Batteries, Richard D. Braatz, MIT, Cambridge, USA
17:30-17:50: A Brief View Back, Rolf Isermann, TU Darmstadt
17:50-18:00: Closing, Rolf Findeisen, TU Darmstadt
Please register until 24 November 2023 under the following if you want to join the workshop. link
(opens in new tab) Program as PDF