CCPS Talks: Thesis Defenses

Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 14:00 h, Room: S3|10 406/406A and via Zoom


The following presentations will take place on the above date:

14:00 h: Zhang Zhang (Master Thesis)
Reinforcement Learning for Control of Bioreactors
Supervisors: Johannes Pohlodek, M.Sc., Sebastián Espinel Ríos, M.Sc.

14:30 h: Tingzhong Fu (Master Thesis)
Collision Avoidance using Model Predictive Control and Data-driven Reachability Analysis
Supervisor: Hoang Hai Ngyuen, M.Sc.

Guests are very welcome.

Room: S3|10 406/406A or

Zoom Link:

Meeting-ID: 620 6769 5031

Passcode: 415957