Control Systems Seminar
Tuesday, 07 June 2022, 15:00 h, location: Zoom Meeting
Kinetosis prediction in road traffic considering head movements and Design of a generic design platform for the control of hybrid UAVs
The seminar presentation held on the above mentioned date will be in German:
15:00 h: Paul Bommhardt (Bachelor's Thesis)
“Kinetose-Prädiktion im Straßenverkehr unter Berücksichtigung von Kopfewegungen”
Supervisor: Alexander Steinke, M.Sc.
15:30 h: Marius Kukula (Master's Thesis)
“Entwurf einer generischen Entwurfsplattform zur Regelung hybrider UAVs”
Supervisor: Philipp Schaub, M.Sc.
Guests via Zoom are very welcome. Please contact Ilse Brauer,, regarding your dial-in details by Thursday, 02 June 2022, 12:00 h.