Project Seminar Presentations
Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 13:00 h, location: Zoom Meeting
Learning Controllers with Uncertainties using Evidential Deep Learning, Iterative Model Improvement Learning Control for Robot Manipulators
The following project seminar presentations will take place on the above mentioned date:
13:00 h: Fabio d'Aquino Hilt, Rickmer Alexander Krohn
„Learning Controllers with Uncertainties using Evidential Deep Learning“
Supervisor: Dr. Anton Savchenko and Bruno Morabito, M.Sc.
approx. 13:30 h: Che-Wei Hsu, Moritz Leinberger, Max Sekundo, Langqi Song
„Iterative Model Improvement Learning Control for Robot Manipulators“
Supervisor: Philipp Holzmann, M.Sc., and Maik Pfefferkorn, M.Sc.
Guests via Zoom are very welcome. Please contact Corina Fischer,, regarding your dial-in details by Tuesday, 15 March 2022, 12:00 h.